Monday, August 17, 2009

Questioning Our Consumption Accelerator

In an article that I wrote for Practical Accountant at entitled, “Money in Going Green,” I explained how greater environmental consciousness at accounting firms is increasing efficiency, generating revenue, and aiding in staff attraction and retention.

I believe this type of increased awareness is also evident in other businesses and with respect to individuals in a change in thinking and an understanding that “going green” isn’t a cause, but rather a possible and viable choice. This explains why reducing carbon footprints are being incorporated into many businesses’ long-term plans.

The economic recession is helping. Trading in gas guzzlers and, taking advantage of tax credits, and a turning to tap water are just two examples. Here are hyperlinks to four articles that conclude the economic recession is providing added support for going green:,, and

Technology is playing its part as used textbooks are being sold on Amazon and second-hand reasonably priced clothing is widely being purchased at sites like eBay. This going-green trend is also evident with regard to charitable donations. Rather than throwing used appliance, cabinets, and fixtures away, those who are remodeling are making donations to charity for distribution to the needy. And there are the stadiums and restaurants donating prepared food that isn’t sold at the end of the day to charity. An article in the New York Times at describes a program that arranges for the food from Yankee Stadium to be delivered to a church for distribution following a game.

Changes in behavior and thinking are often caused by a change of circumstance. It looks like this economic recession’s impact will have long-lasting effects. It’s nice to see one of those will really benefit society long-term.

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